Files Structure

CSS files structure

  1. bootstrat.min.css used for support gird width.
  2. normalize.css  used for reset default HTML style.
  3. slicknav.css used for a responsive mobile menu.
  4. lity-min.css used for lightbox popup.
  5. slick.css used for carousel slider.
  6. slick-theme.css used for slider extra style.
  7. font-awesome-5.css used for font icon.
  8. theme.css used for theme style CSS.
  9. style.css used for all extra style CSS.
  10. responsive.css used for mobile device supported.

Javascript Files Structure

  1. jquery.1.12.4.min.js is a stayable version of jQuery which is required to place upon all scripts otherwise none of the jquery code will work.
  2. bootstrat.min.js  is used as the core of this template. It is a widely used resouce in today’s era. Used to make this template responsive and providing all main classes for ui and also provides scripts that helped to form these templates.
  3. lity-min.js is a jQuery plugin used for popup lightbox.
  4. contact-form.js is a jQuery plugin used for ajax contact form.
  5. slicknav-min.js is a jQuery plugin used for responsive mobile menu.
  6. scrollUp.js is a jQuery plugin used for Scrollup.
  7. contact-form.js is a jQuery plugin used for contact form data validation.
  8. slick-min.js is a jQuery plugin used for carousel slider.
  9. main.js is a custom jQuery used for active all jQuery file.
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